viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013







traducido por:wendy cortes

En el mundo de los deportes, 15 años es una eternidad.

Con carreras de los atletas por lo general abarca mucho menos tiempo, mirando 15 años por delante no es algo que la mayoría de ellos lo hacen de forma regular. Pero para carreras de barriles Fallon Taylor, 15 años no es más que la diferencia entre sus calificaciones para el Wrangler Finales Nacionales de Rodeo.




El Whitesboro, Texas, vaquera fue noticia en la década de 1990 cuando se clasificó para cuatro NFR consecutivos 1995-98 como un adolescente con los ojos abiertos. Taylor terminó tan alto como el sexto lugar en el mundo a los 13 años de edad en 1995 y fue 12 º en su último año como clasificado.

Siendo un adolescente en el rodeo más grandioso del mundo fue una emoción para Taylor.

"Fue increíble", dijo. "Yo tenía una perspectiva diferente a los adultos que fueron allí estresando sobre cosas diferentes. Yo estaba emocionado de estar en Las Vegas, ir Circus Circus y montar la carpa, firmar algunos autógrafos y obtener en mi caballo.

"Era una vida muy encantado de ser tan joven y tener tales caballos impresionantes."

Oportunidad a la puerta a otra parte para Taylor, y el animado adolescente con modelo de pasarela se ve bien no dejó pasar la oportunidad de adquirir nuevas experiencias.

" Siempre me había hecho modelos comerciales aquí (en Texas), y me dieron un contrato en 1998 para hacer un poco de moda y el modelaje de pasarela en Nueva York", dijo Taylor. "Mis padres son sólo la gente más guapa del mundo. Siempre me han animado a tener estas experiencias únicas en la vida- y nunca dejar que me pasan.
"Así que, si iba a Afganistán para visitar a las tropas , ir a Nueva York y perseguir una carrera como modelo a los 17 años o de trasladarse a Los Ángeles y dedicarse a la actuación , que me animaron a hacerlo todo. "
Y así lo hizo . Taylor era una modelo exitosa que llegó a trabajar como un cuerpo Axe spray chicas y apareció en programas de televisión como "Two and a Half Men ", entre otros . Sin embargo, cada paso del camino , se encontró siempre regresar de nuevo a Texas y el rancho.
" Cuando llegué ( a Nueva York) , me di cuenta de lo mucho que amaba los caballos y no podía estar lejos ", dijo Taylor. "Así que, a pesar de que yo no estaba en el centro de atención , he sido de ida y vuelta entrenar caballos para los últimos 15 años de forma activa y diaria , a la espera de esto. "
Este año en Las Vegas , Taylor será a bordo del 2013 AQHA / WPRA Barril Racing Caballo del Año , Flos Heiress " Babyflo ", que sólo pasa a estar fuera de sus dos caballos anteriores NFR - padre , el Dr. Nick Bar, con su nuevo caballo hace calificación de Taylor aún mucho más especial .
" Ella nació y se crió aquí en el rancho y se formó aquí, y ella es muy sentimental para mí y mi familia", dijo Taylor, de los 7 años de edad, yegua. "Es una experiencia increíble para ser capaz de volver a examinar los mismos rodeos e ir de nuevo a la NFR , que es un gran honor , en el fruto de mis grandes caballos NFR ".
El regreso de Taylor a las carreras de  barril casi nunca sucedió. En 2009 , se rompió la vértebra C- 2 en un accidente de caballo que le marginó durante algún tiempo y puso sus planes de futuro en el deporte en duda.
"No fue una pronta recuperación ", dijo Taylor. " Me tomó cerca de un - y - un - medio año para volver a donde realmente podía volver a ser competitivos , pero estoy increíblemente afortunado . Te hace pensar , ' Tal vez no debería quedarse en casa . Tal vez debería ir después de esto otra vez. "
"Es bueno tener una segunda oportunidad. "

A través del apoyo de su esposo - el ex pateador de Dallas Cowboys Delbert Alvarado que ahora se inicia para los Alouettes de Montreal en la Liga de Fútbol Canadiense - amigos y familiares, Taylor se recuperó de su lesión y empezó a llevar a lo largo de una joven yegua.
A pesar de que tenía potencial , el surgimiento de Babyflo fue una sorpresa para Taylor y su familia .
" Ella es un monstruo de la naturaleza ", dijo Taylor. " Nosotros la empezamos en domingo, y el jueves , estábamos cargando en brazos y la comprobación de su en una carreras de barriles . Ella registró en la parte superior de la primera división en la primera carrera de barriles la llevamos con toneladas de errores, y me llamó a su casa y le dijo a todo el mundo que era el caballo que iba a llevarme de vuelta " .
En 2012 , Taylor y Babyflo empezaron a cuajar y ascender en el escalafón. Actuaron tan bien juntos que un puesto FNRW incluso se convirtió en una posibilidad, pero el dúo finalmente terminó 16 º en la tabla de posiciones , a sólo un punto desde el regreso a Las Vegas.
Por sus esfuerzos, Babyflo fue nombrado reserva Barril Racing Caballo del Año , y Taylor sabía que pronto se le pegue a su boleto a la final , una vez más .
"Ha sido un camino lleno de baches aprender todo sobre ella y enseñarle el camino de rodeo , pero dentro de un año de tener que cargar , esta yegua ganó reserva caballo del año y me puso 16 en el mundo", dijo Taylor. "Nosotros no entramos a llegar a la NFR año pasado. Entramos a sólo un poco de ir , mojarnos los pies y volver a casa .
"A finales del año, nos dimos cuenta , ' Oh , Dios mío , tenemos un tiro! " Y nos apresuramos a tratar de hacerlo . No podíamos creer que la yegua me puso 16 en el mundo y fue el segundo para el caballo del año en su primer año de ir a los rodeos . Ella sólo ha sido fenomenal desde el principio " .

La clasificación para Las Vegas 15 años después de su último viaje ha habido un ejercicio surrealista para Taylor.
"Es una locura ", dijo. "Yo era un niña cuando me fui , así que es increíble volver a visitarlo como un adulto. "
Taylor estaba en Las Vegas el año pasado para firmar autógrafos y hacer apariciones para los patrocinadores , etc , y era la primera vez que había estado de nuevo en el Thomas & Mack Center desde 1998. Se sintió aliviada al ver el competir con del barril era muy parecido a lo que ella recordaba que fuera.
" Se parece mucho a la misma ", dijo Taylor. "Es algo que ha estado atrapado en un túnel del tiempo , que estoy entusiasmado porque he hecho más carreras en esa arena que probablemente cualquier ámbito ProRodeo en mi carrera. Estoy muy emocionado " .
Taylor no está seguro de si las emociones se envolverla a la  vez en la monta de la primera gran entrada , pero ella va a intentar todo lo posible para mantenerlos a raya y centrarse en la tarea en cuestión .
" No sé si va a ser una noche emocionante", dijo. " Tengo muchas ganas de hacer mi justicia a mi caballo manteniendo mi mente cuadrada y tratando de no quedar demasiado envuelto en todo el alboroto . Quiero hacer algunas decisiones de negocio y realmente que la gente viera esta increíble regresar . 

" Realmente voy a tratar de mantener mi cabeza fuera de conseguir realmente emocional acerca de la nostalgia de volver a la NFR . "
Con $ 100.860 en ganancias esta temporada, Taylor entrará Ronda 1 quinto en la clasificación, 46.558 dólares tras el tres veces campeón del mundo Sherry Cervi . Con el solo medio de pago de $ 47,776 y un montón de dinero en juego , Taylor no está entrando en la fase final de este año como un competidor que es simplemente feliz de estar allí .
Le pregunté si perseguir un título mundial estaba en sus pensamientos.
" Tienes toda la razón estamos pensando en un título mundial ", exclamó . "Queremos traer esa hebilla de oro en casa , y estamos seguros que se va a tratar . Eso es lo que estamos preparando.
"Nuestro caballo es sano , estoy en muy buena forma , estamos descansados ​​y tenemos apoyo. Quiero recoger , ganar algo (ronda ) hebillas y en última instancia, que la hebilla en la 10 ª noche. Sé que esto me va a ayudar ganar un título mundial , ya sea este año o un año más.

Sin mas por el momento me despido deseando que esta información les sirva, así como agradezco el gusto que tienen por esta sección de su servidora.

Si deseas que escriba de algún tema en especial o tener un contacto más directo y profesional ingresa a cualquiera de estos lugares.

Wendy Cortés Gómez


Twitter: @wendycortesgomz



UN DIA EN LA VIDA DE UNA BARRILERA (Trula Churchill)EN LA NFR(Finales Nacionales de Rodeo)POR:Neal Reid
traducción :Wendy cortes.


A través de JOLEE LATAURET de Asociación Profesional de la Mujer Rodeo (WPRA) - ella misma  tres veces FNRW calificada  NOS CONTACTO CON  TRULA CHURCHILL para conocer como vive un dia en la NFR, espero disfruten estas líneas 

Este es mi noveno Wrangler Finales Nacionales de Rodeo, y me di cuenta que realmente no sabía lo que era un día normal  en Las Vegas para una corredora del barril. Por lo tanto, me propuse a poner remedio a eso comenta Neal Reid

- yo estaba conectado con Trula Churchill, que está compitiendo en su primera final. Llamé Trula para establecer un tiempo para reunirme con ella en el establo en el que guarda su caballo, Worm.

"Por lo general llego alrededor de las 7:30 o 8", dijo.

Usando mis poderes de deducción y conocer las actuaciones nocturnas comenzaron a las 6:45, me di cuenta de que estaba hablando 7:30 u 8 de la mañana! La gente está realmente despierta a esa hora en Las Vegas? ¿Quién sabía?

Algunas corredoras de barriles  tiene "manipuladores" que hacen todo el trabajo sucio por ellas, pero Churchill no es uno de ellos. Ella prefiere hacer el trabajo ella misma y es ciertamente protectora de su corcel preciado.






Me encontré con Trula y su marido, 2006 FNRW derribador de novillo,Linn, alrededor de las 8 en una mañana fría y húmeda del viernes.

Me fui a la cama a una hora razonable - por estándares de Las Vegas , por lo menos - y probablemente parecía personaje Zach Galifinakis ' Alan de " The Hangover", medio despierto con un ojo abierto , pero al menos yo llevaba pantalones.

El sol parecía haber golpeado y se esconde detrás de un manto de nubes , y el indicador de temperatura en el coche dijo 48 grados F , aunque se sentía más frío y se podía ver su aliento. Los campos de fútbol de práctica UNLV , donde se encuentran los establos de ganado y caballos , eran un lodazal de la mañana después de que la ciudad recibió más de una pulgada de lluvia cayó sobre él desde una de sus más o menos 20 días de lluvia al año.

Alabando a mí mismo por usar mi viejo par de botas en lugar de mi nuevo Justins , seguí Trula a su trailer , donde se reunió la comida de la mañana de Gusano(caballo) y caballo bulldogging de Linn, dinamita . He visto y he estado en peores fosos de lodo antes - sobre todo en Tampa para el 1997 Outback Bowl en el que mis Tigres de Auburn fueron derrotados por Joe Paterno y Penn State - pero esto era todavía bastante mal.

Vestido con una sudadera con capucha y barro Thunder de Oklahoma botas, Trula me llevó de nuevo a la caballeriza del gusano(caballo) , donde disfrutó el desayuno, ya que ella se dedicó a la limpieza de su puesto . La necesidad de ofrecer para ayudar a limpiar la plaza pasó rápidamente , y yo en cambio la bombardeó con preguntas mientras toma notas y unas cuantas fotos - usted sabe, el duro trabajo de un periodista .(Neal Reid ).

María Walker , a quien yo he escrito dice: Neal Reid, acerca de esta columna a principios de este año , estaba a unos pocos puestos de abajo con su caballo AQHA del Año Latte, y se detuvo a charlar un poco . Ella es una gran dama , y creo que todo el mundo está feliz de que ella es, probablemente, en su camino a una hebilla de oro.

Trula , que era genial para hablar , dijo Worm - un caballo castrado ruano azul de 7 años de edad, que pesa 1.225 libras y se encuentra a 15 ½ manos de altura - es una "muy buena "  dueña al revizar que su caballo coma y  se ve perturbada si él no consigue alimentarse con regularidad. Definitivamente, me identifico con eso .

" Algunos caballos se ponen ansiosos si comen demasiado cerca de la competición , pero él(worm(gusano) consigue de esa manera si no tiene algo", dijo Trula , la WPRA Novato del Año 1996 .Yo le pedí que describiera la personalidad del gusano(caballo) ." Él es muy curioso ", dijo Trula , que nació en Oklahoma. "Uno de ellos me preguntó qué personaje de dibujos animados que sería, y me dijo: Daniel el travieso , porque él siempre está metiendo cosas . Él es también muy amable y es cariñoso si es su idea " .

 Ella expuso su programa diario para mí, y si bien no hay dos días durante el FNRW son los mismos, Trula y si caballo "gusano" realizarian  una rutina bastante consistente. Después de su  desayuno de pelet y heno a las 8 am, que por lo general se lo lleva a la gran arena de calentamiento en los campos de fútbol para un paseo y una sesión de ejercicio ligero para calentarlo, y esas últimas en cualquier lugar de 15-30 minutos.

Esta mañana, sin embargo, el barro era demasiado pegajoso en el corral de la práctica, por lo  que Trula llevó Worm(caballo) en una caminata en una de las pocas zonas verdes que quedan al lado de los corrales para los novillos y toros roping del equipo. Ella se encontró con el dos veces Steer Campeón del Mundo Wrestler Dean Gorsuch y Darrell Kraupie - el padre de hazer de Gorsuch, Dale - que estaban ejerciendo bulldogging de Gorsuch y caballos novatadas, y el compañero de residentes de Nebraska Charlaron un poco como Gusano(caballo) y el caballo de Gorsuch, Skip, juguetonamente tratado de morder uno al otro.

Los aviones despegaron desde el cercano aeropuerto internacional de McCarran cada pocos minutos, pero los caballos y otros animales no parecían a la mente, o al menos parecían haberse acostumbrado a las molestias ruidosas frecuentes en su casa para el evento de 10 días.


En el Establo del caballo  se consigue una buena limpieza por la mañana, y luego el caballo de Churchills suele ir tomar un bocado para comer antes de llegar pasando el resto del día . Lo que constituye varía todos los días en Las Vegas , ya que los concursantes tienen horarios inmensamente completo , y su tiempo se puede pasar de hacer nada de asistir a sesiones de autógrafos y funciones como la Liga de Mujeres ProRodeo almuerzo que se celebrará el jueves en el South Point u otros aspectos alrededor de la ciudad .

Trula también ha pasado algún tiempo de calidad con sus padres cuando ella no ha tenido compromisos durante el día e incluso ha trabajado en una siesta o dos, pero que por lo general llega al Thomas & MackCenter alrededor de las 3:30 para iniciar el aumento gradual de la noche de rendimiento.

 Gusano(caballo) se alimentan de nuevo alrededor de las 4 pm, así que tiene tiempo para digerir su alimento antes de su racha nocturna y Trula se mete en su " ropa de vaquero " y listo para competir .A mitad del evento de derribe de novillo , Trula pone sus "botas " y ensillar , en la tienda de calentamiento detrás del Thomas & Mack Center , una vez que comience el lazo por parejas.

Ella dijo que él(gusano) sabe cuándo es el momento de ponerse a trabajar una vez que se alinearon en el callejón que conduce a la arena .

" Él sabe que cuando saco el sombrero hacia abajo y tome mi abrigo , es hora de ir", ella comenta que empezó a correr barriles competitivamente con el gusano cuando tenía 4 años .

Después de hacer su carrera , Trula conduce Gusano de nuevo a los campos de fútbol, ​​donde se pone una manta magnética con él para promover el flujo de sangre, se quita las botas y la silla de montar , lo enfría y pone en linimento sus piernas antes de ponerlo en su puesto para pasar la noche .

Los Churchills se quedan después del evento a comer , luego regresar al establo para conseguir Worm(caballo) estableció para la noche. La manta que lleva para la noche depende de la temperatura , y se asegura de que tiene suficiente agua, una pizca de sal y un cubo de proteínas en su puesto antes de salir.

Si ella está dormida antes de la medianoche , es una buena noche, y todo vuelve a empezar muy temprano a las 7 am del día siguiente .

Trula y Worm han tenido un arriba y abajo Finales , derribando barriles en Rondas 4 y 6 y la colocación en las Rondas 5 , 7 y 8. Ella admite que ambos estaban nerviosos en las primeras rondas , pero está orgulloso de la forma en que ha trabajado en la arena.

"Ha hecho bien", dijo. " Gusano Ha trabajado su pequeño trasero cada noche. Las cosas no han ido bien a nuestra manera, pero no es porque él no estaba tratando "
.Trula y Worm destacan sexto en las posiciones medias Wrangler NFR y han pasado de 14 al 12 en la clasificación mundial WPRA después bancarios $ 23.852 en Las Vegas. Ella está teniendo una explosión que compite en sus primeras Finales .

"No hay manera de describir lo que se siente estar finalmente aquí", dijo Trula , que se clasificó para las finales de 2011 canadienses sobre Worm. "Es la experiencia de su vida , sin duda. Ha sido muy divertido , y hemos tenido un buen momento " .

Después de una prometedora temporada 2011 , Trula siguió el consejo de Linn y tomó el año fuera de los grados de enseñanza 5-8 en Valentine , Nebraska, y se está dando cuenta de un sueño de ser un corredor del barril FNRW . Ella está acariciando claramente cada minuto de la experiencia , y eso es sólo la forma en que debe ser.

Salí de la caballeriza para terminar su paseo por la mañana cuenta:Neal Reid  y me dirigí de vuelta al hotel, con más de una apreciación de los corredores del barril de   la dedicación que brindan a sus caballos y su deporte. Mientras conducía fuera de los campos empapados por la lluvia, el sol se abrió paso entre las nubes, brillando sobre las bellezas de cuatro patas y los que los aman.

Sin mas por el momento me despido deseando que esta información les sirva, así como agradezco el gusto que tienen por esta sección de su servidora.
Si deseas que escriba de algún tema en especial o tener un contacto más directo y profesional ingresa a cualquiera de estos lugares.

Wendy Cortés Gómez

Twitter: @wendycortesgomz


martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013














Sin mas por el momento me despido deseando que esta información les sirva, así como agradezco el gusto que tienen por esta sección de su servidora.

Si deseas que escriba de algún tema en especial o tener un contacto más directo y profesional ingresa a cualquiera de estos lugares.

Wendy Cortés Gómez


Twitter: @wendycortesgomz


WPRA WNFR Standings11/18/13

Starting Out
NameSeason Winnings
NFR Earnings
Total World Earnings
1Sherry Cervi----$147,418
2Mary Walker----$137,115
3Michele McLeod----$109,591
4Christy Loflin----$105,042
5Fallon Taylor----$100,860
6Sabrina Ketchem----$100,217
7Brittany Pozzi----$94,225
8Kaley Bass----$87,515
9Taylor Jacob----$82,052
10Lisa Lockhart----$82,037
11Jane Melby----$76,265
12Jean Winters----$69,847
13Shada Brazile----$68,379
14Sydni Blanchard----$68,144
15Trula Churchill----$66,726

Sherry Cervi#1 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 1st
2013 Earnings: $147,418
Career earnings: $2,546,383
Born: Sept. 17, 1975, in Tucson, Ariz.
Residence: Marana, Ariz.
Joined WPRA: 1986
Horses: MP Meter My Hay “Stingray” (11-year old palomino mare) Sire- PC Frenchmans Hayday/Dam: Miss Meter Jet, MP A Man With Roses “George” (10-year old palomino gelding) Sire-PC Frenchmans Hayday/Dam: Rose Patch; PC Frenchmans Hayday “Dinero” (18-year old palomino stallion);
Education: Central Arizona College (1 year)
World titles: (3) 1995, 1999, 2010
Wrangler NFR average titles: 2 (1999, 2009)
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 16 (1994-2001, 2003, 2005-06, 2009-13)
RNCFR qualifications: 11 (1994-2001, 2008, 2010, 2014)
Tour Finale titles: 4
Pace Chute-out: 2001
Summer Finale: 2005
Championship: 2005-06
Tour Finale qualifications: 16
Pace Chute-out: 2000-01, 2003, 2005-06
Caldwell Round: 2007
Puyallup Round: 2007, 2010
Summer/Omaha Round: 2000, 2005, 2007, 2010-11
Championship: 2005-07


2013 Highlights• Won the average title at the Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo (Las Cruces, N.M.)
• Won the Justin Boots Playoffs (Puyallup, Wash.)
• Won the most money of any ProRodeo contestant over the Fourth of July with $31,349 at 11 rodeos.
• Won the Champions Challenge (Amarillo, Texas).
• Won the Caldwell (Idaho) Night Rodeo
• Won Canby Rodeo (Ore.)
• Won Day’s of ’47 Rodeo (Salt Lake City,Utah)
• Won the Big Sky ProRodeo Roundup (Great Falls, Mont.)
• Won the Oakley Independence Day Rodeo (Oakley, Utah)
• Won the Reno (Nev.) Rodeo and that added with the Fourth of July figures and Calgary Stampede won over $72,000 in a span of three weeks.
• Won the Airdrie (Alberta) Pro Rodeo

Career Highlights• 2012 – Has placed in an average of six rounds at each previous NFR. In 2012, placed in four rounds, winning the fourth round in a time of 13.67 seconds. Won a total of $37,202. Finished the year ranked eighth with $130,263; won the Justin Boots Championships (Omaha, Neb.), War Bonnet Rodeo (Idaho Falls, Idaho), the Guymon (Okla.) Pioneer Days Rodeo and Payson (Ariz.) Rodeo; co-champion at the Walla Walla (Wash.) Rodeo.
• 2011 – Entered the NFR with $90,521 and won $93,317 in 10 days in Las Vegas after placing in seven out of 10 rounds winning Rd. 6. Finished the year ranked third with $183,838; co-champion at the War Bonnet Stampede (Idaho Falls, Idaho); won the average and year-end titles at the Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo (Las Cruces, N.M.), the St. Paul (Ore.) Rodeo, the Eugene (Ore.) Pro Rodeo, Strathmore (Alberta) Stampede, the Safford (Ariz.) Pro Rodeo and Wayne Wilson Children’s Charity Rodeo & Carnival (Cave Creek, Ariz.).
• 2010 – Became the first $2 million barrel racer, surpassing Charmayne James’ earnings record of $1,886,568. Won her third world title and set a new NFR arena record in Rd. 8 with a time of 13.49 seconds. Finished second in the average with a 10-run time of 143.29 seconds. Placed in seven out of 10 rounds, winning Rd. 3 (13.65 seconds), Rd. 7 (13.70 seconds and Rd. 8 (13.49 seconds). Finished second in the average and won $120,042 at the Wrangler NFR; making her 13th Wrangler NFR appearance moving her into second for qualifications and trails only Charmayne James with 19 for total qualifications, the Canby (Ore.) Rodeo, the Snake River Stampede (Nampa, Idaho), the Treaty Day Celebration & PRCA ProRodeo (Window Rock, Ariz.), the Helldorado Days Rodeo (Las Vegas, Nev.), the Clark County Fair & Rodeo (Logandale, Nev.) and RodeoHouston and pockets $61,500 – the most of any competitor. Ties Lindsay Sears’ record from 2008 at RodeoHouston for most money won at a regular season rodeo. Third time to win the title and did so on three different horses (Troubles, Hawk and Stingray).
• 2009 – Won the average title at the 2009 Wrangler National Finals rodeo with a 10-run time of 139.01 seconds. Won $146,100 at the NFR, the most money won of any of the 118 contestants. Finished 3rd in the world with $219,629. Won the Cave Creek (Ariz.) Rodeo, the Safford (Ariz.) Pro Rodeo, the Lynden (Wash.) PRCA Rodeo, the Red Horse Ranch PRCA Rodeo (Fergus Falls, Minn.), the Central Wyoming Fair & Rodeo (Casper, Wyo.), the Airdrie (Alberta) Pro Rodeo and the Dixie National Rodeo (Jackson, Miss.).
• 2008 – Finished the year ranked 20th in the world with $41,986; co-champion at the Pioneer Days Rodeo (Clovis, N.M.); won the Wild, Wild West Pro Rodeo (Silver City, N.M.), the Payson (Ariz.) Spring Rodeo and the Grand National Rodeo Horse and Stock Show (San Francisco, Calif.).
• 2007 – Won the Redding (Calif.) Rodeo. Finished the year ranked 20th in the world with $41,397.
• 2006 – Placed in seven out of 10 rounds at the Wrangler NFR. Finished the year ranked ninth in the world standings with $102,525; won the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Championship (Dallas) and qualified for her 11th Wrangler NFR; won the Western Stampede (West Jordan, Utah) and the Fourth of July Youth Celebration and PRCA Pro Rodeo (Window Rock, Ariz.); won the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Round at the San Antonio (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo.
• 2005 – Won the Pace Picante ProRodeo Challenge (Omaha, Neb.) and the Pace Picante ProRodeo Classic (Dallas); won average title at the California Rodeo Salinas and the Redding (Calif.) Rodeo. Finished the year ranked fourth in the world with $142,258.
• 2003 – Won San Antonio (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo, Navajo Nation Fourth of July (Window Rock, Ariz.), Andy Devine Days (Kingman, Ariz.), and Kern County Sheriff Reserve Stampede Days Rodeo (Bakersfield, Calif.); won Rd. 5 with a 13.98-second run and Rd. 6 in 13.96 seconds at the Wrangler NFR; finished the year fifth in the world with $109,354.
• 2002 – Olympic Command Performance Rodeo (Farmington, Utah) qualifier.
• 2001 – Won RodeoHouston and pockets $19,033.
• 2000 – Turquoise Circuit Finals Champion (1994-2000); set record for most money won at a regular season rodeo with $16,497 at RodeoHouston.
• 1999 – Set the WPRA record for highest single-year earnings with $245,369 and most money won prior to the NFR with $130,996. Won the Wrangler NFR average title.
• 1997 – Reserve World Champion
• 1995 – Won RodeoHouston and collects $18,983.
• 1994 – Reserve World Champion

AwardsHorse with the Most Heart award to Jet Royal Speed (Hawk), owned by Sherry Cervi, 1999-2000. MP Meter My Hay “Stingray” finished second in the 2010 AQHA/WPRA Horse of the Year voting for barrel racing and tied with Yeah Hes Firen (Duke) in the 2011 AQHA/WPRA Horse of the Year voting.

PersonalDaughter of Mel and Wendy Potter. Mel served on the PRCA Board of Directors as a contestant director from 1996 – 1999 and Wendy competed in the NFR barrel racing event three times (1970-72). Sherry has one sister, Jolynn Alexander. Their family is part owner of Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc…Daughter-in-law of former PRCA Board of Directors member Mike Cervi, who served as a Stock Contracting Director. Was married for six years to team roper Mike Cervi Jr., who was killed with two other men in a private plane crash near Marshfield, Wis., in September 2001...In 2010 moved into the lead in all-time money won in the WPRA with $1.9 million, surpassing Charmayne James’ record of $1.8 million...Trains barrel horses...Favorite sports team is the University of Arizona basketball team...She was an all-conference basketball player as a senior at Marana (Ariz.) High School…Hobbies include shopping and traveling…Inducted into the Pima County (Ariz.) Hall of Fame in 2003…Winner of more than 75 trophy saddles…Favorite rodeos are RodeoHouston and California Rodeo Salinas.

Mary Walker#2 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 2nd
2013 Earnings: $137,115
Career earnings: $550,915
Born: January 26, 1959
Residence: Ennis, Texas
Joined WPRA: 1983
Horse: Perculatin “Latte” (9-year old gelding in 2013) – Sire: Dash for Perks/Dam: Curiocity Corners; Little Bite Firem “Spider” (11-year old gelding) – Sire: Firem Jet/Dam: Little Bit Twist
World titles: 1 (2012)
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 2 (2012-13)
DNCFR/RNCFR qualifications: 0

2014 Season Highlights• Won the Champions Challenge (Kissimmee, Fla.)
2013 Highlights
• Won the Cowboy Capital of the World PRCA Rodeo (Stephenville, Texas)
• Won the Pasadena (Texas) Livestock Show and Rodeo
• Won the Champions Challenge (Kissimmee, Fla.)
• Won Walla Walla (Wash.) Frontier Days
• Won the Sanders County Fair & Rodeo (Plains, Mont.)
• Won the Jerome (Idaho) County Fair & Rodeo
• Won Montana’s Biggest Weekend (Dillon, Mont.)
• Won Ogden (Utah) Pioneer Days
• Won the Eagle (Colo.) County Fair & Rodeo
• Won the Rocky Pro Rodeo (Rocky Mountain House, Alberta)
• Won the Pony Express Days Rodeo (Eagle Mountain, Utah)
• Won the inaugural Champions Challenge (Redding, Calif.)
• Won San Angelo (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo
• Won the 75th Annual Brighton Field Day Festival & Rodeo (Okeechobee, Fla.)

Career Highlights• 2012 – Entered her first Wrangler NFR ranked 3rd in the world and after winning more money than any contestant, male or female, with $146,941 she won the world title in the barrel racing and the 2012 Top Gun Award for most money won at the NFR. Won four out of 10 rounds and place in another four rounds. She finished second in the average. Finished the year with $274,233.; won All-American Finals (Waco, Texas), Ellensburg (Wash.) Rodeo, Missoula (Mont.) Stampede, Snake River Stampede (Nampa, Idaho), Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days Rodeo, Navajo Nation Fourth of July PRCA Rodeo (Window Rock, Ariz.), the Earl Anderson Memorial Rodeo (Grover, Colo.), the Ute Mountain Roundup (Cortez, Colo.), the Ken Lance Memorial (Ada, Okla.), the Flint Hills Rodeo (Strong City, Kan.), Rodeo Killeen (Texas), and Arcadia All-FLA Championship Rodeo; co-champion at the Chisholm Trail Stampede PRCA Rodeo (Duncan, Okla.)

Perculatin named 2012 AQHA/WPRA Barrel Horse of the Year. Inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame and Museum, 2013. Awarded the Tad Lucas Award from the Cowboy Hall of Fame (Oklahoma City), 2013. Won the Best Dressed Award at the 2012 Wrangler NFR.

Husband, Bryon (16-time Wrangler NFR steer wrestling qualifier, 1981 World champion)…Competed at her first Wrangler NFR in 2012 at the age of 53…On April 23, 2011 her only son, Reagon (21), was killed in a car wreck and says he has been riding on her shoulder through every run since. A little over a month after losing her son, her horse Latte fell with her during a barrel race at Crosby, Texas, on June 10. She shattered her pelvis, broke her hip in three places, had two fractured vertebrae and broke two toes. She underwent surgery in Houston the following day and was then in a wheelchair for about four months. Doctors used eight plates and 11 pins to stabilize her hip. Says a strong network of family and friends, Dr. Kyle Dickson and a dedicated rehab team along with her amazing husband helped get her through the whole ordeal. She completed her rehab in December 2011 and set her sights on qualifying for the 2012 Wrangler NFR on the same horse that fell with her and together they achieved that goal.


Michele McLeod#3 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 3rd
2013 Earnings: $109,591
Career earnings: $127,246
Born: July 30, 1970
Residence: Whitesboro, Texas
Joined the WPRA: 2004
Horses: Slick by Design “Slick” (6-year old black stallion) – Sire: Designer Red/Dam: Dreams of Blue; Kellies Chick “Skye” (6-year old mare) – Sire: Darkelly/Dam: The Skye Chick
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 1 (2013)
Education: Fire Academy in California – wanted to be a firefighter until she started a family
2014 Season Highlights • Won the Guadalupe County Fair & Rodeo (Seguin, Texas)
• Won the Austin Co. Fair & Rodeo (Bellville, Texas)
• Won the Fort Bend County Fair & rodeo (Rosenberg, Texas)

2013 Highlights • Won Justin Boots Championships (Omaha, Neb.)
• Won the Missoula (Mont.) Stampede
• Won Farm City Pro Rodeo (Hermiston, Ore.)
• Won the Larimer County Fair & Rodeo (Loveland, Colo.)
• Won the Laramie (Wyo.) Jubilee Days
• Won Snake River Stampede (Nampa, Idaho)
• Won Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo (Colorado Springs, Colo.)
• Won the Black Hills Roundup (Belle Fourche, S.D.)
• Won the Ramona (Calif.) Rodeo
• Won the Chisholm Trail Stampede (Duncan, Okla.)
• Won the Guymon (Okla.) Pioneer Days Rodeo

PersonalHusband, John; Katelyn, Lindsey (daughters), Jenna (stepdaughter)…Prior to 2013, spent her time training horses but with the urging of Charlie Cole and Jason Martin of High Point Performance who own Slick, she turned into a top WPRA barrel racer…Had entered Huntsville, Texas, and the horse she was planning to run there was sold prior to going so she asked Charlie and Jason if she could take Slick. They agreed and the duo placed in their first ever rodeo and things started to click after that especially after winning Guymon, Okla., in early May…Favorite rodeos are Nampa, Idaho, and Cheyenne, Wyo…Favorite holiday is Christmas, favorite place to eat is Jason’s Deli and favorite movie is Seabiscuit…Didn’t grow up in a rodeo family. Learned to barrel race from Bess Chaney when she was 18.

Christy Loflin#4 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 4th
2013 Earnings: $105,042
Career earnings: $263,241
Born: January 29, 1974 on the Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Residence: Franktown, Colo.
Joined WPRA: 2001
Horse: Sheza Blazin Move “Movin” (8-year old mare) – Sire: Blazin Jetolena/Dam: Sheza Cashanova MP
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 2 (2012-13)
DNCFR/RNCFR qualifications: 2 (2013-2014)

2013 Highlights• Won the year-end title in the Mountain States Circuit
• Won the Tri-State Fair and Rodeo (Amarillo, Texas)
• Won the Pendleton (Ore.) Rodeo for second straight year
• Won the Kitsap Stampede (Bremerton, Wash.)
• Won the Caribou County Fair & rodeo (Grace, Idaho)
• Won Strathmore (Alberta) Stampede
• Won Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days Rodeo
• Won the World’s Oldest Rodeo (Prescott, Ariz.)
• Won the Will Rogers Stampede (Claremore, Okla.)

Career Highlights• 2012 – Placed in two rounds at her first Wrangler NFR and won $18,846. Finished the year ranked seventh with $73,698. Her horse Movin was injured before the NFR so had to borrow a horse at her first NFR. Won the year-end title in the Mountain States Circuit and qualified for the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo, won the Pendleton (Ore.) Rodeo, and the Greeley (Colo.) Independence Day Rodeo; finished second in the average at the Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days Rodeo
• Has qualified five times to the Mountain States Circuit Finals

PersonalSingle. Daughter, Randi 17, son, Cole 10, stepson, Luke 15, stepdaughters, Shelby 20, Alyssa, 17. Her son, Cole, plays hockey…Randy Rist trained Movin and Christy got her at the beginning of her five year old year…Hobbies include arts and craft items…Grew up riding hunter/jumper horses and then when she got married her husband (Ron Timmons) team roped so she first tried that but wasn’t for her so she started barrel racing so they could rodeo together…Favorite rodeo is Estes Park, Colo., favorite TV show is Snapped and Law and Order, favorite movie is Tommy Boy…Rodeo idol is Kelly Yates because she always treats everyone with kindness and respect.

Fallon Taylor#5 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 5th
2013 Earnings: $100,860
Career earnings: $423,703
Born: July 18, 1982
Residence: Whitesboro, Texas
Joined the WPRA: 1990
Horse: Flos Heiress “Babyflo” (7-year old mare) – Sire: Dr. Nick Bar/Dam: Flowers and Money
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 5 (1995-98, 2013)
Education: University of North Texas (Denton)
2014 Season Highlights • Won the Leesville (La.) Lions Club Rodeo.
2013 Highlights
• Won the Home of Champions (Red Lodge, Mont.)
• Won Mandan (N.D.) Rodeo Days
• Won the Williams Lake (B.C.) Stampede
• Won the Mother Lode Round-Up (Sonora, Calif.)
• Won the Avi River Stampede PRCA Rodeo (Fort Mohave, Ariz.)
• Co-champion at Sandhills Stock Show and Rodeo (Odessa, Texas)
• Won the Texas Stampede (Allen)
• Won the State Fair of Louisiana Pro Rodeo (Shreveport)
• Co-champion at NILE Pro Rodeo (Billings, Mont.)
• Won the Austin Co. Fair and Rodeo (Bellville, Texas)
• Won Odessa Rodeo Festival (Tampa, Fla.)

Career Highlights • 2012 – Finished the year ranked 16th with $53,922. Won the Jesse James Days Rodeo (Northfield, Minn.), the Great Plains Stampede Rodeo (Altus, Okla.), the Breckenridge (Colo.) Stables PRCA Rodeo, the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo (Castle Rock, Colo.), the 101 Wild West Rodeo (Ponca City, Okla.), the Jayhawker Roundup Rodeo (Hill City, Kan.), the Barber County Fair and Rodeo (Hardtner, Kan.), the Scottsbluff County Fair & Rodeo (Mitchell, Neb.), the Auburn (Calif.) Wild West Stampede and the Lakeside (Calif.) Rodeo
• 1998 – Finished 12th in the world with $47,277
• 1997 – Finished 7th in the world with $56,556
• 1996 – Finished 9th in the world with $59,925
• 1995 – Finished 6th in the world with $62,414

2013 AQHA/WPRA Horse of the Year Flos Heiress

Husband Delbert Alvarado, an NFL kicker with the Dallas cowboys, 2010 and currently a free agent…Works at Dynasty Equine…Parents Shelton and Dian Taylor…Babyflo is a full sister to Fallon’s top stallion Nicks Huachuca (Chuck Taylor). Chuck Taylor was the first foal and only stallion by Fallon’s amazing NFR mare Flowers and Money and her world champion producing stallion Dr. Nick Bar. With the help of Flowers and Money and Dr. Nick Bar, Fallon qualified for four consecutive NFRs. Considers Chuck Taylor as a miracle stallion as just when Fallon was getting ready to campaign him on the rodeo trail, he got his shoe/foot caught in a fence at their house after getting loose from the wash rack. In the incident he lost his foot. He passed away in 2013…Fallon broke her C-2 vertebrae in her neck in a horse accident in 2009…In addition to barrel racing she has also been a New York model and was the Axe body spray girl, made appearances on several TV shows including Two and a Half Men.

Sabrina Ketchem#6 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World Standings place: 6th
2013 Earnings: $100,217
Career earnings: $224,460
Born: Nov. 14, 1972
Residence: Yeso, N.M.
Horses: Swivel Ta Fame “Swivel” (11- year old sorrel gelding) – Sire: Dash Ta Fame/Dam: Swivel Hips Bar; Write it Thelma “Uno” (15-year old sorrel mare) – Sire: Write it Down/Dam: Thelma Thistle
Joined the WPRA: 2003
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 1 (2003)
Education: West Hills Community College and Colorado State University
2013 Highlights• Won the Sand & Sage Roundup (Lamar, Colo.)
• Won the Wild Bill Hickok Rodeo (Abilene, Kan.)
• Won the Sheridan WYO Rodeo
• Won the Central Wyoming Fair & PRCA Rodeo (Casper, Wyo.)
• Won the Dodge City (Kan.) Round-Up
• Won the (Spanish Fork (Utah) Fiesta Days Rodeo

Career Highlights• 2012 – Finished the year ranked 41st with $26,822.
• 2011 – Finished the year ranked 44th with $26,958; won the Western Frontier ProRodeo (Pocatello, Idaho) and the ABC Pro Rodeo (Lubbock, Texas).
• 2010 – Finished the year ranked 20th with $37,286; won the Red Desert Roundup (Rock Springs, Wyo.) and the Black Diamond Legends Rodeo (Price, Utah); finished second at the Fort Worth (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo.

PersonalHusband, Justin Ketcham, sons Bridger and Pike …Grew up on a ranch in northern Colorado, competed in high school and college rodeo but got into livestock judging, which occupied most of her collegiate time. When she graduated from college she began roping a lot and met her husband at a team roping then she started running barrels.

Brittany Pozzi#7 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World Standings: 7th
2013 Earnings: $94,225
Career earnings: $1,782,985
Born: Feb. 9, 1984 in Victoria, Texas
Residence: Victoria, Texas
Joined WPRA: 2003
Horses: Yeah Hes Firen “Duke” (10-year-old palomino gelding) Sire: Alive N Firen/Dam: Splendid Discovery; She’s Free to Flame “Teddy” (6-year old mare): Sire: Flaming Firewater/Dam: Racin Trouble
World titles: 2 (2007, 2009)
Wrangler NFR average titles: 2 (2006-07)
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 10 (2003, 2005-13)
RNCFR titles: 2 (2012-13)
Tour Finale titles: 4
Pace Chute-out: 2005
Justin Boots Playoffs (Puyallup, Wash.): 2009
Championship: 2003, 2007
Tour Finale qualifications: 20
Pace Chute-out: 2005-06
Caldwell Round: 2007-08
Puyallup Round: 2007-09, 2011
Omaha Round: 2003-04, 2006-09
Championship: 2003-08
Education: Texas A&M University (College Station)
2014 Season Highlights• Won the Northwest Florida Championship Rodeo (Bonifay, Fla.)

2013 Highlights• Won the Gooding (Idaho) Pro Rodeo
• Won California Rodeo Salinas
• Won Drummond (Mont.) PRCA Rodeo
• Won St. Paul (Ore.) Rodeo
• Won the Buffalo Bill Rodeo (North Platte, Neb.)
• Won the Elizabeth (Colo.) Stampede
• Won Old Fort Day s (Fort Smith, Ark.)
• Won the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo for second straight year
• Won the Clark County Fair and Rodeo (Logandale, Nev.)

Career Highlights• 2012 – Placed in four out of 10 rounds at the Wrangler NFR winning $23,263. Finished the year ranked third with $194,224 and was 12th in the average at the NFR, winning $23,263; qualified for the RNCFR after finishing second in the year-end circuit standings; won the Sheridan (Wyo.) Rodeo, the Central Wyoming Fair & PRCA Rodeo (Casper, Wyo.), California Rodeo Salinas, the Days of 47 Rodeo (Salt Lake City, Utah), more money than anyone in ProRodeo over the Fourth of July with $27,789, Molalla (Ore.) Buckeroo Rodeo, St. Paul (Ore.) Rodeo, the Black Hills Round-Up (Belle Fourche, S.D.), Santa Maria (Calif.) Elks Rodeo, the Livermore (Calif.) Rodeo, the Riverdale (Calif.) Rodeo, the Red Bluff (Calif.) Rodeo, the Western Frontier ProRodeo (Pocatello, Idaho), the Clark County Fair & Rodeo (Logandale, Nev.), the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo (Oklahoma City, Okla.), the San Angelo (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo and the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo (Denver); co-champion at the Spanish Fork (Utah) Fiesta Days Rodeo
• 2011 – Finished the year second in the world with $192,725; placed in seven out of 10 rounds at the Wrangler NFR, sharing the win in the first round. Finished ninth in the average and won $77,452 at the NFR; co-champion at 126th Silver Spurs Rodeo (Kissimmee, Fla.); won the Southwestern International PRCA Rodeo (El Paso, Texas), the Day’s of ’76 Rodeo (Salt Lake City), the Medicine Hat (Alberta) Stampede, the Davie (Fla.) ProRodeo, the Wainwright (Alberta) Stampede, the Guy Weadick Memorial Rodeo (High River, Alberta), the Wide Open Rodeo (Ft. Pierce, Fla.), the Brighton Field Day & PRCA Rodeo (Okeechobee, Fla.), La Fiesta de los Vaqueros (Tucson, Ariz.), the San Angelo (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo and the Mid Winter Fair and Rodeo (Lafayette, La.).
• 2010 – Finished the year ranked 5th in the world with $165,999. Placed in five of the 10 rounds at the NFR and shared the round win in the 10th round with a time of 13.67 seconds. Was fourth in the average and won $51,547 at the Wrangler NFR; won the Iowa’s Championship Rodeo (Sidney, Iowa), the Deadwood (S.D.) Days of ’76 Rodeo, the Medicine Hat (Alberta) Stampede, the Molalla (Ore.) Buckaroo Rodeo, the 125th Silver Spurs Rodeo (Kissimmee, Fla.), the San Angelo (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo, the Dixie National (Jackson, Miss.), the Brighton Field Day and PRCA Rodeo (Okeechobee, Fla.) and the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo (Denver); was co-champion at the 50th Annual Daines Ranch Rodeo (Innisfail, Alberta) and at the Mid Winter Fair and Rodeo (Lafayette, La.).
• 2009 – Won her second world title with a total of $279,435 after winning $123,570 at the Wrangler NFR. Won the first round in a time of 13.94 seconds, and the eighth round with a 13.77 and placed in five other rounds. Finished third in the average and won $123,570 at the NFR. Won the most of any barrel racer over the Fourth of July with $29,372 and was second overall of any Pro Rodeo contestant. Won the Justin Boots Playoffs (Puyallup, Wash.). Won the Strathmore (Alberta) Rodeo, Iowa’s Championship Rodeo (Sidney), the Snake River Stampede (Nampa, Idaho), the Lea County Fair & Rodeo (Lovington, N.M.), the California Rodeo Salinas, the St. Paul (Ore.) Rodeo, the World’s Oldest Rodeo (Prescott, Ariz.), the Wainwright (Alberta) Rodeo, the Hand Hills (Alberta) Rodeo, the Daines Ranch Rodeo (Innisfail, Alberta), the Old Fort Days Rodeo (Ft. Smith, Ark.) and La Fiesta de los Vaqueros (Tucson, Ariz.).
• 2008 – Placed in five out of 10 rounds, winning the fourth and fifth rounds with times of 13.84 and 13.80 respectively. Winning the fourth round marked the first time she had ever won a round at the Wrangler NFR. Finished third in the world with $196,346 and was 13th in the average at the NFR.; won the Laughlin (Nev.) River Stampede, the Oakdale (Calif.) Saddle Club Rodeo and the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo (Denver).
• 2007 – Won the average title at the NFR with a time of 140.18 seconds on 10 runs to earn her first world championship and break the single-season record with earnings of $259,713. She won $95,192 at the NFR. Broke the barrel racing regular season earnings record after winning $164,521 on the year, surpassing the previous record of $130,996 set by Sherry Cervi in 1999. Third highest money winner over Cowboy Christmas with $26,933. Won the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Championship (Dallas). Won the Cheyenne (Wyo.) Frontier Days Rodeo, the Spanish Fork (Utah) Fiesta Days Rodeo, the St. Paul (Ore.) Rodeo, the Molalla (Ore.) Buckeroo, the Livingston (Mont.) Roundup Pro Rodeo, the Oakdale (Calif.) Rodeo, the Clovis (Calif.) Rodeo, the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour round and average title at the Red Bluff (Calif.) Round-Up, the Southeastern Livestock Exposition & Rodeo (Montgomery, Ala.), La Fiesta de los Vaqueros (Tucson, Ariz.), the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show (Fort Worth, Texas) and the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo (Denver); was co-champion at the Cody (Wyo.) Stampede.
• 2006 – Finished the year as the regular-season leader with $129,392. Won the average title at the Wrangler NFR with a total time of 141.12 seconds on 10 runs. Placed in three out of 10 rounds and missed winning the world title by $2,567 to Mary Burger. Finished the year with a total of $186,618; won the Silver Spurs 118th semi-annual Rodeo (Kissimmee, Fla.), the Northwest Florida Championship Rodeo (Bonifay, Fla.), the Spokane (Wash.) County Interstate Fair & Rodeo, the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Round and average titles at the Caldwell (Idaho) Night Rodeo, the Sikeston (Mo.) Jaycee Boothill Rodeo, the Snake River Stampede (Nampa, Idaho), the Red Desert Roundup (Rock Springs, Wyo.), the Home of Champions (Red Lodge, Mont.), the St. Paul (Ore.) Rodeo, the Oakley (Utah) Independence Day Rodeo, the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Round and average title at the Guymon (Okla.) Pioneer Days Rodeo, the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour Round and average title at the Clovis (Calif.) Rodeo, the Oakdale (Calif.) Rodeo and the average title at the Clark County Fair and Rodeo (Logandale, Nev.).
• 2005 – Won the Thomas County Fair & Rodeo (Colby, Kan.), the Pace Picante ProRodeo Chute-out and qualified for the Pace Classic in Dallas, the North Georgia Stampede Rodeo (Calhoun), the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour and average titles at Rodeo Austin, the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour round title at Clark County Fair & Rodeo (Logandale, Nev.) and the Waco (Ga.) PRCA Rodeo. Finished the year ranked 10th in the world with $106,568.
• 2004 – Finished 20th in the world with $43,067; won Santa Maria (Calif.) Elks Rodeo and finished third at the Pace Challenge (Omaha, Neb.).
• 2003 – The first rookie to qualify first in the standings for the Wrangler NFR; won Pace Picante ProRodeo Classic (Dallas); set an arena record at the Iowa Championship Rodeo (Sidney); won the ProRodeo Tour round at the Lawton (Okla.) Rangers Rodeo; ran a 16.09 second run at Kansas’ Biggest Rodeo (Phillipsburg); won Matagorda Co. Fair, Livestock Show & Rodeo (Bay City, Okla.), YMBL Championship Rodeo (Beaumont, Texas) and Buffalo Bill Rodeo (North Platte, Neb.); won rookie of year race in the WPRA barrel racing; finished seventh in the world with $89,003.

AmateurTexas High School Finals barrel racing champion, 2002; National High School Rodeo Association barrel racing champion, 2002; College Southern Region champion, 2003.

AwardsHorse Sixth Vision (nickname Stitch) finished second in the AQHA Barrel Racing Horse of the Year race in 2006 but won the award in 2007. Yeah Hes Firen (Duke) tied with MP Meter My Hay (Stingray) for the 2011 AQHA/WPRA Horse of the Year honors, finished second in 2012. Yeah Hes Firen (Duke) named Horse with the Most Heart presented in memory of Rockem Sockem Go “Rocky” by Kelly Kaminski, 2012.

PersonalSingle…Parents Randy and Denise and has a younger sister, Brooke...Her family bought her horse, Leroy, for her younger sister, Brooke, to compete on at junior rodeos but he never really worked out for her so Brittany took him and has had great success. Her father taught her how to run barrels...Her grandmother, Delores, passed away on Nov. 2, 2008, after battling pancreatic cancer…Graduated from Memorial High School in Victoria, Texas…Enjoys watching movies and playing golf. She was on the golf team in high school...Started rodeo in 1995….Favorite rodeo is the Wrangler NFR and favorite food is Italian…In July of 2010, she sold her main mount Sixth Vision “Stitch” and promoted Duke to the #1 spot. Said it was a spur of the moment decision to sell Stitch and although it was tough it was strictly a business decision…Won the 1st annual Diamonds and Dirt Futurity (Bryan, Texas) in March 2012.

Kaley Bass#8 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 8th
2013 Earnings: $87,515
Career earnings: $293,087
Born: Dec. 21, 1992
Residence: Kissimmee, Fla.
Joined WPRA: 2011
Horse: Wonders Cowboy Dan “Cowboy” (13-year old gelding) – Sire: Wonders Pal/Dam: Jackies Cowgirl Bar
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 2 (2012-13)
DNCFR/RNCFR qualifications: 0

2013 Highlights• Won the New Mexico State Fair and Rodeo (Albuquerque)
• Won the Range Days Rodeo (Rapid City, S.D.)
• Won the Sikeston (Mo.) Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo for the second straight year.
• Won the Lea County Fair and Rodeo (Lovington, N.M.) for the second straight year.
• Won Iowa’s Championship Rodeo (Sidney)
• Won the Jasper (Texas) Lions Benefit Rodeo

Career Highlights• 2012 – Placed in five out of 10 rounds at the Wrangler NFR, winning rd. 5 in a time of 13.68 seconds. Won a total of $68,023 at the NFR. Finished the year ranked sixth with $154,305. Was fourth in the NFR average; won the Sikeston (Mo.) Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo, the Lea County Fair and Rodeo (Lovington, N.M.), the Lawton (Okla.) Rangers Rodeo, the Dodge City (Kan.) Roundup Rodeo, the Wild Bill Hickok Rodeo (Abilene, Kan.), the Iowa’s Championship Rodeo (Sidney), and the Eugene (Ore.) Rodeo
• 2011 - Finished second in the WPRA Rookie of the Year race and 22nd in the world with $51,267; qualified for All-American Finals; on the Comal County Fair & Rodeo (New Braunfels, Texas), the Dayton (Iowa) Championship Rodeo, the Oregon Trail Rodeo (Hastings, Neb.), the Ogden (Utah) Pioneer Days, the Chisholm Trail Stampede PRCA Rodeo (Duncan, Okla.), the Atlantic City (N.J.) Boardwalk Rodeo, the Semi-Annual Ralph Morgan Rodeo (Lauderdale, Miss.) and the Davie (Fla.) Pro Rodeo.

AmateurWon the Florida State High School title and was third at nationals her freshman year.

AwardsSoutheastern WPRA Rookie of the Year (2011)

PersonalSingle…Traveled with Brittany Pozzi during her rookie year…Wonders Cowboy Dan came from the S Belle Brand ranch and S’Belle Dymmek and has been owned by the Bass family since the horse was three. Cowboy Dan is a son of Wonders Pal by Wonder Otoe and out of a half thoroughbred mare named Jackies Cowgirl Bar. Wonder Otoe is the maternal grandsire of Sabra O’Quinn’s great Wonders Oro.

Taylor Jacob#9 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 9th
2013 Earnings: $82,052
Career earnings: $82,052
Born: August 24, 1990, in Brenham, Texas
Residence: Carmine, Texas
Joined the WPRA: 2013
Horse: Honor Thy Frenchman “Bo” (8-year old buckskin gelding) – Sire: Frenchmans Feature/Dam: Honey OFA Jet
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 1 (2013)
Education: Texas A&M University (College Station), degree in Communications

2014 Season Highlights • Won the Hempstead, Texas

2013 Highlights • Won the WPRA Rookie of the Year award. First Rookie since Brittany Pozzi to win the rookie title and qualify for the NFR in the same year.
• Won the North Idaho Fair & Rodeo (Coeur D’Alene, Idaho)
• Won Kansas Biggest Rodeo (Phillipsburg)
• Won the Angelina County Benefit Rodeo (Lufkin, Texas)
• Won Buc Days Pro Rodeo (Corpus Christi, Texas)
• Won the Four States Fair & Rodeo (Texarkana, Ark.)
• Won the Dixie National Rodeo (Jackson, Miss.)
• Won Ft. Worth (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo

Awards2013 WPRA Rookie of the Year

PersonalSingle…Family: Lane (father), Robyn (mother), Tanner (older brother) and Tucker (younger brother). Tammy Fisher and Jackie Dube-Jatzlau (cousins)…Bo came from Angela Michaels’ barn and Taylor believes that her mother found the diamond-in-the-rough horse. Bo was trained by WPRA member Marne Loosenort, who competed on him in the futurities. He was a stallion until he was 5. Marne ran him to the right barrel first but Angela started him to the left, which Taylor has continued…Prior to 2013, referred to herself more as a roper than a barrel racer. Competed in college rodeo and qualified for the CNFR her first three years in breakaway roping and goat tying and her final year in the barrel racing…First horse was a pony used at a carnival that her grandmother bought her…Graduated from Round-Top Carmine High School..Hobbies include water and snow skiing and roping calves…Rodeo idol is Trevor Brazile.

Lisa Lockhart#10 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 10th
2013 Earnings: $82,037
Career earnings: $1,146,707
Born: Nov. 11, 1965, in Wolf Point, Mont.
Residence: Oelrichs, S.D.
Joined WPRA: 1993
Horses: Fast An Gold “Chism” (14-year-old chestnut gelding) - Sire: El Roco/Dam: Romanna Glass; An Oakie With Cash “Louie” (9-year old buckskin gelding) – Sire: Biebers Oakie/Dam: Lady Kaweah Cash; IP Peppys Breeze “Sterling” (21-year old gelding) – Sire: Colonel San Peppy/Dam: Budhas Miss Breeze
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 7 (2007-13)
Tour Finale title: 1
Caldwell Round: 2007
Tour Finale qualifications: 4
Caldwell Round: 2007-08
Puyallup Round: 2007-08

2013 Highlights • Won the year-end title in the Badlands Circuit Finals
• Won the McCone County Fair PRCA Rodeo (Circle, Mont.)
• Won the North Peace Stampede (Grimshaw, Alberta)
• Won the Richland County Fair (Sidney, Mont.)
• Won the 53rd Annual Daines Ranch Rodeo (Innisfail, Alberta)
• Won the Luxton Pro Rodeo (Victoria, B.C.)
• Won the Falkland (B.C.) Stampede

Career Highlights• 2012 – Finished third in the average at the 2012 Wrangler NFR and crossed the $1 million dollar mark in career earnings; placed in 8 out of 10 rounds and won the ninth round in a time of 13.66 seconds. Finished the year ranked fifth with $180,336; won the Canadian Finals Rodeo, the Ram Badlands Circuit Finals year-end title and average title, her 7th year-end title, the Bowman (N.D.) County Pro Rodeo, the Sitting Bull Stampede (Mobridge, S.D.), the Fallon County Fair & Rodeo (Baker, Mont.), the Red Horse Ranch PRCA Rodeo (Fergus Falls, Minn.), the Dick Stull Memorial Rodeo (Sterling, Colo.), the Richland County Fair & Rodeo (Sidney, Mont.), the Falkland (British Columbia) Stampede and Rodeo Austin
• 2011 – Placed in six out of 10 rounds at the Wrangler NFR, winning Rds. 2 & 9. Entering the NFR had won $80,671 and almost equaled that in 10 days in Las Vegas winning $79,038. Finished the year ranked fourth with $159,710; won the Ram Badlands Circuit Finals year-end title and average title. This is her 6th year-end title, won the Bowman (N.D.) County Pro Rodeo, the Range Days Rodeo (Rapid City, S.D.), the McCone County Fair PRCA Rodeo (Circle, Mont.), the Catfish Stampede (Onida, S.D.), the Sundre (Alberta) Pro Rodeo, the Bonnyville (Alberta) Pro Rodeo and finished second at RodeoHouston.
• 2010 – Finished the year ranked fourth in the world with $188,027. Placed in seven out of 10 rounds, winning Rds. 1 and 5 with times of 13.84 seconds and 13.62 seconds, respectively. Finished third in the average and won $107,426 at the NFR, on the average title at the Dodge Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo (Minot, N.D.). Qualified for the 2011 DNCFR with her husband, Grady, who qualified in tie-down roping, won the Catfish Stampede (Onida, S.D.), the Richland County Fair & Rodeo (Sidney, Mont.), the Dawson County Fair & Rodeo (Glendive, Mont.), the Strathmore (Alberta) Stampede, won a career best $17,957 during the Fourth of July, the Ponoka (Alberta) Stampede and RodeoAustin; co-champion at A Tribute to Chris LeDoux (Casper, Wyo.).
• 2009 – Entered the Wrangler NFR ranked eighth and finished the year ranked eighth with $120,246 after picking up $47,548 at the NFR. Placed in five out of 10 rounds, winning the final round in a time of 13.77 seconds. Was 5th in the average. Won the average title at the Dodge Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo (Minot, N.D.). Won the Northeast Montana Fair and Rodeo (Glasgow), the Deadwood (S.D.) Days of 76 Rodeo, the Sundre (Alberta) Rodeo and the rodeo at Marwayne (Alberta).
• 2008 – Placed in five out of 10 rounds at the Wrangler NFR. Finished the year ranked 12th in the world with $95,751. Was ninth in the average at the NFR and won $24,069; won the Red Horse Ranch PRCA Rodeo (Fergus Falls, Minn.), the Deadwood (S.D.) Days Rodeo, the Ogden (Utah) Pioneer Days Rodeo, the Corn Palace Stampede Rodeo (Mitchell, S.D.) and the Sundre (Alberta) Pro Rodeo.
• 2007 – Finished the year ranked fifth in the world with $125,492 and was ninth in the average at the Wrangler NFR and won $58,173.Won the Luxton Pro Rodeo (Victoria, B.C.), the North Peace Stampede (Grimshaw, Alberta), the Caldwell Night Rodeo (Ariat Playoffs of the Wrangler ProRodeo Tour) and the Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo (Minot, N.D.); was co-champion at the Wolf Point (Mont.) Wild Horse Stampede.
• 2006 – Won the Strathmore (Alberta) Stampede and the Canadian National Finals (Edmonton, Alberta), capturing two rounds on her 41st birthday.
• 2005 – Finished 43rd in the world standings with earnings of $24,778.

AwardsAn Oakie with Cash “Louie” was voted the Horse with the Most Heart (presented in memory of Rockem Sockem Go “Rocky” owned by Kelly Kaminski) in 2011.
PersonalHusband Grady (married 1994), a PRCA tie-down roper who won the Badlands Circuit Finals in 1996; kids, Alyssa (14), Thane (12) and Cade (9)…Ranches and trains horses when she is not on the road competing…Served on the Oelrichs (S.D. ) School Board.

Jane Melby#11 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 11th
2013 Earnings: $76,265
Career Earnings: $246,300
Born: Nov. 12, 1967 in Park Rapids, Minn.
Residence: Backus, Minn.
Joined WPRA: 2002
Horses: First Down Perk “Perkulees,” (12-year old black gelding) – Sire: First Down Expected/Dam: Perking Cash; HPQ Smokin Rascal “Rascal,” (7-year old sorrel gelding) – Sire: Una Frio Cerveza/Dam: Miss Smokin Annie
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 2 (2011, 2013)
Education: University of Findley (Ohio) – received an Associates in Arts Degree in Equestrian Studies

2013 Highlights • Won the West Texas Fair & Rodeo (Abilene, Texas)
• Won Spokane (Wash.) Interstate Rodeo
• Won the Ellensburg (Wash.) Rodeo
• Won the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo (Denver, Colo.)

Career Highlights• 2012 – Finished the year ranked 33rd with $32,043. Won Dayton (Iowa) Championship Rodeo and Athens (Texas) MDA Rodeo.
• 2011 – Qualified for her first Wrangler NFR and became the first WPRA barrel racer from Minnesota to qualify.Placed in four out of 10 rounds winning three rounds; entered in 11th place and finished the season ranked 6th. Entered the finals with $63,283 in 2011 earnings and finished with $122,994.; finished second in the average at the Pendleton (Ore.) Round-up; won the Walker County Fair & Rodeo (Huntsville, Texas), the Jasper (Alberta) Heritage Rodeo, and A Tribute to Chris Ledoux (Casper, Wyo.)
• 2008 – Competed at the WPRA World Finals in the Futurity division with Lion Share of Fame.

AmateurMinnesota High School Rodeo Association State Champion (1983-1986 – only won to win all four years); IPRA World champion (1993) and NBHA 1D World champion (1999)

Won the Scoti Flit Bar Rising Star Award for RC Black in Black “Beauty” at the 2011 Wrangler NFR.

PersonalHusband, Ryan (PRCA member as well as a horse shoer and trainer); son Colton (15-years old competes in National Junior High Rodeo); daughter, Cayla (14-years old – also competes in National Junior High Rodeo). Colton was the 2011 National Junior High Finals Rodeo Ribbon Roping champion, while Cayla won the barrel racing title at the National Junior High Finals Rodeo in 2010. Colton and Cayla are also team roping partners and they were the Minnesota State Champions in 2011. Colton won the Minnesota all-around cowboy, while Cayla was the all-around cowgirl…Spends her time teaching clinics, giving lessons and training horses…Parents are Robert Meech, a farmer and mother Susan Krull, a retired hair dresser. Has two brothers Troy and Todd and Troy is a PRCA member…Purchased her horse Beauty in August of 2010 from a lady she was helping with lessons. Her goal was to make it to the NFR as she knew Beauty had it in him to make it from the first time she saw him. They have about 70 horses at their ranch…She is a dairy farmer’s daughter so when little she would ride horses to chase the dairy cows. Her father had an interest in rodeo so when she was in the eighth grade he let her enter an open rodeo close to home and the rest was history…Graduated from high school in Sebaka, Minn….Favorite rodeo is Pendleton, favorite food is Mahi Mahi and Greek salad, favorite book is the Bible, favorite movie is Fireproof, favorite restaurant is Texas Roadhouse, and enjoys listening to Christian music…For more information on her clinics visit

Jean Winters#12 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World Standings: 12th
2013 Earnings: $69,847
Career earnings: $171,707
Born: May 26, 1968
Residence: Texline, Texas
Horse: Crickets Peppy Zan “Zan” (11-year old sorrel gelding) – Sire: Zan Parr Cricket/Dam: Georges Bay Miss
Joined the WPRA: 2008
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 1 (2013)
DNCFR qualifications: 0

2013 Highlights• Won the Calgary (Alberta) Stampede.

Career Highlights• 2012 – Finished the year ranked 34th in the world with $31,358. Won the WPRA Qualifying Tour race at the WPRA World Finals (Lincoln, Neb.) to qualify for the Calgary Stampede in 2013.
• 2011 – Won the New Mexico State Fair & Rodeo (Albuquerque) and the Kansas Largest Night Rodeo (Pretty Prairie, Kan.). Finished the year ranked 70th with $14,712.
• 2010 –Finished the year ranked 29th with $30,769; finished second at the Colorado State Fair (Pueblo)
• 2009 – Finished second in the rookie standings with $25,021 and 38th in the WPRA NFR Standings.
• 2008 – Filled her WPRA permit in Santa Fe, N.M.

PersonalHusband, Guy (rodeo producer); sons, Pecos and Brazos…Has been mentored by WPRA World Champion Kappy Allen…When she bought her horse (Crickets Peppy Zan) in 2008, he started out as simply a trader type horse and she planned to keep him five months, then resale him for a profit. It wasn’t that he wasn’t good but a friend of hers saw him and asked if she thought they could make money off of him, so Winters said sure. She started him on barrels. After five months when he went through the sale she didn’t take the bid even though they would have made a profit at that time. There was just something about the horse that she liked, so she bought him about three months later. Having never trained a barrel horse, she tells people that God trained that horse. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for in a barrel horse but there was something about him that she liked.,,Enjoys going to the horse races and white water rafting…Favorite food is Mexican food, favorite place to eat on the road Rosas Café, favorite movie is George of the Jungle, favorite singers are George Strait and Patsy Cline.

Shada Brazile#13 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 13th
2013 Earnings: $68,379
Career earnings: $91,000
Born: May 4, 1979, in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Residence: Decatur, Texas
Joined the WPRA: 2006
Horse: Dial It Fast “Big Boy” (7-year old sorrel gelding) – Sire: Dashin Is Easy/Dam: Dial It In
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 1 (2013)
Education: Texas Tech University, degree in marketing

2013 Highlights • Will be the only husband (Trevor) and wife tandem to be competing at the 2013 Wrangler NFR.
• Won the Jayhawker Roundup Rodeo (Hill City, Kan.)
• Won second at Montana’s Biggest Weekend (Dillon)
• Won second at Magic Valley Stampede (Filer, Idaho)
• Second at the Snake River Stampede (Nampa, Idaho)
• Won the Poteau (Okla.) Frontier Rodeo
• Won the Bell County PRCA Rodeo (Belton, Texas)
• Won San Antonio (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo

Career Highlights • 2012 - Won the San Patricio County PRCA Rodeo (Sinton, Texas), won the Pioneer Days Rodeo (Clovis, N.M.), co-champion at Walla Walla (Wash.) Frontier Days; was second at Top of Texas (Jacksonville, Texas), Beef Empire Days PRCA Rodeo (Garden City, Kan.) and Longview (Texas) PRCA Rodeo. Won the WPRA Qualifying Tour to earn a spot at the 2013 Calgary Stampede.

PersonalHusband, Trevor (17-time world champion), Treston (son), Style (daughter)…Parents are Steve Norris and Shari Rivera, brothers are Tuf (two-time world champion) and Clif Cooper (4-time NFR qualifier); uncle world champion tie-down roper Stran Smith; cousin Stetson Vest (2013 NFR Qualifier in tie-down roping)…Shada is the creator and designer of All-Around Baby by Wrangler and also a Wrangler model…Trevor was initially interested in Dial It Fast for a rope horse after seeing Brittany Pozzi riding the horse at the 2012 Texas Circuit Finals Rodeo. After two of Shada’s best barrel racing prospects died within days of each other, Pozzi talked her into trying the horse and the rest was history. Shada made the most of the WPRA Qualifying Tour in 2012 to punch her ticket to the Calgary Stampede in 2013 and along the way also earned a spot in the San Antonio Rodeo where she raced to the title to put her 2013 season on the fast track…Dial It was trained by Latricia Duke… Home schools her kids…Hobbies include running and participating in marathons and playing sports with her husband and kids

Sydni Blanchard#14 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World standings place: 14th
2013 Earnings: $68,144
Career earnings: $320,282
Born: Feb. 13, 1989, in Albuquerque, N.M.
Residence: Albuquerque, N.M.
Joined WPRA: 2008
Horses: Pure Victory Dash “Twisted Sister” (9-year old mare) – Sire: Pure D Dash/Dam: Get A Victory; NF French Tigger “Clancy” (10-year old gelding) – Sire: Frenchmans Guy/MNV Rich and Proud
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 2 (2010, 2013)
DNCFR qualifications: 1 (2010)
Education: Eastern New Mexico University (Portales), advertisement/marketing degree

2013 Highlights• Won the Dinosaur Days (Vernal, Utah)
• Won the Stavely (Alberta) Indoor Pro Rodeo
• Won the Kern County Sheriff Reserve Stampede Days Rodeo (Bakersfield, Calif.)
• Finished second at the San Antonio (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo

Career Highlights • 2012 – Swept the barrel racing at the Justin Boots Playoffs in Puyallup, Wash, won the Ogden (Utah) Pioneer Days Rodeo, and the Guy Weadick Days Rodeo (High River, Alberta). Finished the year ranked 19th with $50,612.
• 2011 – Missed part of the season after damaging all the nerves around her tailbone at RodeoHouston and she had to learn how to walk again. Finished the year 16th with $58,004; won the Ellensburg (Wash.) Rodeo setting a new arena record in a time of 16.91 seconds; won Lea County Fair and Rodeo (Lovington, N.M.) setting a new arena record in a time of 16.99 seconds, the Cassia County Fair & Rodeo (Burley, Idaho) and the Livingston (Mont.) Round-Up; tied for the win at the Kitsap County Fair & Stampede (Bremerton, Wash.; in her first trip to the Calgary Stampede, she won all four rounds in her preliminary pool, a first in the history of the Stampede and went on to win the long round and finals to capture the 2011 title.
• 2010 – Finished the year ranked 9th (jumped from 15th to 9th in the world after the NFR) with $90,012. Placed in six out of 10 rounds at the Wrangler NFR and won $40,108; won the year-end and average title at the Dodge Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo (Las Cruces, N.M.), the 2010 College National Finals Rodeo Barrel Racing title (Casper, Wyo.), the Gary Hardt Memorial Rodeo (Payson, Ariz.) and the Mother Lode Round-Up (Sonora, Calif.).
• 2008 – Won the WPRA Rookie of the Year Award. Qualified for the WPRA World Finals in Tulsa, Okla. Finished second in the average at the Snake River Stampede (Nampa, Idaho). Won the first round at the San Angelo (Texas) Stock Show and Rodeo and finished third in the average. Finished the year 27th in the world with $31,662.

AmateurNational Intercollegiate Rodeo Association barrel racing champion, 2010; Reserve barrel racing champion in the New Mexico High School Rodeo Association (NMHSRA) from 2005-2007; National High School Rodeo Finals qualifier (barrel racing 2004-2007) finishing 12th in 2006; I 2007 also qualified for the National High School Finals in the cutting competition; won the all-around title at the Billy the Kid Rodeo.

PersonalSingle…Other occupation is putting on barrel racing clinics…Parents are Paul (a contractor) and Kandace (a therapist) Blanchard and she has five brothers – Levi, Bret, Travis, Pace and Robbie and one sister – Kim…Got interested in rodeo through her family and her first competition was in 1991…Graduated from La Cueva High School in Albuquerque, N.M…. Superstitions are putting her hat on the bed, parking in a handicap spot and black cats…Favorite food is pizza and popcorn, favorite movie is Gone with the Wind, favorite book is the Bible and enjoys watching movies and taking pictures while on the road …Her rodeo idols are her uncle Bob and her mom…At the 2011 RodeoHouston, her saddle broke and she hit the back of it damaging all the nerves around the tailbone, causing her to not be able to walk. For three months she rehabilitated the injury, thanks to the athletic trainers at the University of New Mexico, where her father, Paul, once played football.

Trula Churchill#15 in the WNFR Standings

Event: Barrel racing
2013 World Standings place: 15th
2013 World Standings earnings: $66,726
Career earnings: $231,443
Born: Oct. 8, 1969
Residence: Valentine, Neb.
Horse: A Streak of Rita “Worm” (8-year old blue roan gelding – Sire: A Streak of Fling/Dam: Jetta Rita)
Joined the WPRA: 1996
World titles: 0
Wrangler NFR qualifications: 2 (2012-13)
DNCFR/RNCFR qualifications: 3 (1997-98/ 2013 seasons; competed in 1998-99, 2014)
Education: East Central University (Ada, Okla.)
2014 Season Highlights• Won the Grand National (San Francisco, Calif.)

2013 Highlights• Won the year-end title in the California Circuit
• Won the Comal County Fair & Rodeo (New Braunfels, Texas)
• Won the Omak (Wash.) Stampede.
• Won Redding (Calif.) Rodeo
• Won the Red Bluff (Calif.) Round-Up
• Won Lakeside (Calif.) Rodeo

Career Highlights• 2012 – Placed in three out of 10 rounds and won $23,852 at the NFR. Finished the year ranked 13th with $84,629. Won the Four States Fair Rodeo (Texarkana, Ark.), the Spokane (Wash.) Interstate Rodeo, the Farm City Pro Rodeo (Hermiston, Ore.) and the Industry (Calif.) Hills Charity Pro Rodeo
• 2011 – Finished the year ranked 23rd with $50,340; won 51st Annual Daines Ranch Rodeo (Innisfail, Alberta), the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show (Union, Ore.) and the Canadian Finals Rodeo
• 2010 – Finished the year ranked 30th with $29,599. Finished second at the Justin Boots Championships (Omaha, Neb.)
• 1996 WPRA Rookie of the Year.
• Has qualified for the Prairie Circuit Finals four times.

Husband, Linn Churchill (PRCA Steer Wrestler, qualified for NFR in 2006)…Maiden name was Trula Truitt…Teaches in a two-room school (grades 5-8)…Enjoys reading.